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Trust In The Lord: Embrace Your Faith

Writer's picture:  DonnaMarie DonnaMarie

Embracing your faith
Embracing your faith

I say I trust Him. God, I mean. But do I really? I trust Him when everything is going well or to my liking. But what about when they’re not going so great. Do I still trust Him? Do you? Proverbs 3:5 tells us to: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. I think that’s where the problem comes in with most of us. Especially with me. I’m that person who must understand something or have the full picture before I’m all in. Are you one of those also? Well, I’m afraid we’re left in the dust with that one when it comes to trusting God. He rarely gives us the full picture and we may never understand some things even after they come to pass. Our only option is to believe God, which simply means to have faith in Him.

Faith Turns The Wheels

God deals only in faith. Period. There is no magic potion or special formular that makes Him work. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that: “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is (He exists), and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. That’s kind of a catch 22. We must have faith to please God, but we must first have faith that God exists. If we believe that He exists, then we must believe that He rewards us through our diligence. Faith is the motor that turns the wheels for God to work in our lives. In return he promises to work through our faith in this scripture and many others.

Faithless Generation

Listen, don’t beat yourself up. We are not alone and this did not just start with us. Remember the story in Exodus chapter 14 when Pharoah had the Israelites trapped near the Red Sea? They believed God for years for a deliverer to free from the Egyptians. Then they began to grumble and complain to the deliverer (Moses) God sent them through their faith, when they couldn’t see a way of escape from the pharaoh. In other words, when things weren’t going as they had envisioned. Then the miracle happened. Moses, being instructed by God, stood on a rock and stretched out his arms toward the sea, and God parted the massive body of water, and they crossed over on DRY GROUND. Now, you would think that they would no longer have doubt about God’s ability to protect and provide for them after experiencing such a phenomenal event. I mean, think about it, a whole sea split in two right before their eyes just for them. Not to mention, their feet never got muddy. But because they were a faithless generation, they did doubt God. Consistently, over and over throughout their journey through the wilderness.

Keep Faith Steadfast

My point is, it’s easy to trust God when all is well, but we must continue to trust Him when things aren’t so great even if we only have the mustard seed faith mentioned in Matthew 17:20. (In my next blog: The Impossibilities of Mustard Seed Faith, I will delve deeper into mustard seed faith and how it is the foundation for more profound faith in God.) In my opinion, the majority of us maintain our trust in Him even during times of hurt and disappointment. It is important to distinguish between experiencing emotions such as hurt and disappointment and a lack of trust. These feelings are natural emotional responses. What we do through the hurt and disappointment defines the level of our trust in God. Are we still praying? Are we still seeking answers by communing with Him? Are we still studying the Word and fitting a praise into our ever so busy day? These are the things that define our faith.

God Cannot Lie: God Will Not Fail

I encourage you to keep trusting God. Don’t allow your emotions to trick you into thinking that you are weak, and you can’t handle what you are going through. The good thing about God is that He knows… EVERYTHING. There’s a popular Christian saying: If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. That’s His promise to us. God has a personally invested interest in each of us. He will show up before our trust in Him dissipates. Because He is a God who cannot lie and He is a God who will not fail. When he says: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrew 13: 5) He won’t.

May your faith become the powerful weapon of defense in your spiritual life that God created it to be.

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The compelling story of a willowed billionaire restored back to love and a relationship with God


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